Thoughts from the caffeine cup(s)

 I think calling yourself sapiosexual is a prime example of tautological stupidity.

All of us like intelligence, get over it. Do something about it, instead.
Curiosity is the real currency of satisfaction - Wow I literally made that up.

Anyway, I happened to read a lot of stuff on nihilism. I didn't even intend to, I just happened to. Your mind goes random places when you embrace too much solitude. Sometimes it goes to the right places.

So life is kinda pointless, you're born, you have a set of sensory experiences and you die. At some level we all know this. We eat, shit, and get hungry just to eat again. And then complain about overeating and getting fat. If you think human life has some purpose this is where you should stop reading.

Kurt Vonnegut said: 'We're on the earth just to fart around'.

I used to live like a bodybuilder, get 20gm protein each meal, eat specific foods at specific times - I did this for quite a few years. and wasn't getting in the shape I wanted to be in. You know sometimes you get done with your own shit? Like fuck this, I'm out.

I remember reading this article by Morgan Housel that said Making money is a negative art, wealth is what you don't spend.
Wow, that does make sense!
Getting in shape is about NOT EATING GARBAGE.
Getting rich is about NOT SPENDING MONEY
Being smart = NOT doing stupid stuff.

Then Naval said something like when it comes to nutrition, medicine and attention subtract before you add.

I wonder how many of us keep adding when we should actually be subtracting? Napolean said the definition of a military genius is someone who does the average shit while everybody else is losing their minds

Subtract from nutrition = Eat less, Subtract from medicine = don't take many drugs,
Subtract from attention = Reduce decisions and cognitive overload and follow routines.

I also wanted to get smart and everyone said reading books makes you smart. So I said cool, I'll do that. I'm a pro at living a disciplined life. So then, I started reading.

We've been conditioned to think that you need to finish books. Fuck that sunk cost fallacy. No seriously, fuck that.
Naval said read to love until you love to read.

The philosophy that helped - 'When you're bored, read. When you're bored of what you're reading - read something else' - Repeat for eternity.

Your default state is entropy (Mihaly C - Book: Flow). All of us know that an idle mind generates negative thoughts and that we eat out of boredom.
I read out of boredom. It could be anything -

How does caffeine function?
What are introverts thinking all the time?
Does everyone have an internal monologue? - (some people DONT TALK TO THEMSELVES - this is shocking)
Who let the dogs out? - No seriously, who did?

Sometimes I read all of the above in one day.
Your idle mind needs to claw on something, give it something to claw on. It doesn't have to be food.

Intellectual stimulation >>> Ephermal pleasures that come from eating/having sex.

But intellectual stimulation takes effort. But that's the point. The broadest smile comes after the hardest climb.
The people chilling at the base of the mountain don't realize what real 'chilling' is.
Real chilling = what you get like after getting to the top (quite literally?)


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