
Showing posts from June, 2023

Thoughts from the caffeine cup(s)

 I think calling yourself sapiosexual is a prime example of tautological stupidity. All of us like intelligence, get over it. Do something about it, instead. Curiosity is the real currency of satisfaction - Wow I literally made that up. Anyway, I happened to read a lot of stuff on nihilism. I didn't even intend to, I just happened to. Your mind goes random places when you embrace too much solitude. Sometimes it goes to the right places. So life is kinda pointless, you're born, you have a set of sensory experiences and you die. At some level we all know this. We eat, shit, and get hungry just to eat again. And then complain about overeating and getting fat. If you think human life has some purpose this is where you should stop reading. Kurt Vonnegut said: 'We're on the earth just to fart around'. I used to live like a bodybuilder, get 20gm protein each meal, eat specific foods at specific times - I did this for quite a few years. and wasn't getting in the shape I