
Showing posts from July, 2022

Dumb rules and Commitment Devices

 Wise people have rules + Social commitments for growth ‘I’m not what I am. I’m not what you think I am. I’m what I think you think I am.’ – No, I’m not on drugs. Read this slowly. Wise people have rules: I don’t do more than 3 drinks in one hour. I drink 7 litres of water every day. I show up to the gym no matter what. I don’t do caffeine after noon. Rules, ugh? What about my freedom? Freedom from what, again? But bro, moderation bro. Balance. Balancing what? Good and bad habits? Do you want to have both bad and good habits? Or more good ones? But you gotta chill a little bro. Let it slide. Fair, you don’t brush your teeth tomorrow. Let this one slide, BRO. You gotta live a little. I’ve always thought that moderation is either oversold or incorrectly interpreted. I suck at interpreting it well and so I just assume it’s oversold. If you eat junk food in moderation that’s not bad. But here’s what goes wrong: Next time there’s a house party and there’s a cornitos jalapeno we