
Showing posts from April, 2023

Travelling and 10% body fat - The minimalist approach

I underwent a liver transplantation surgery - 22nd feb 2022. Dad had cancer so I donated. Immense anxiety, zero movement, morphine overdose and a wheelchair. That’s the short story. But, SITE (Suffering Induced Transformational Experiences - psychology today). Worth looking up Here’s the meat - I could’ve died, but I didn't. Dad could’ve died, but he didn’t. Ended well. Good fun. When you go through something like this you ask: What was the last thing I’d want before dying? It was traveling. But fitness is very close to me. Fitness requires that you stay in place. Eat clean, sleep well, hit the gym, and get the ‘right’ foods in. So basically can’t happen when you’re traveling. When I came out of the surgery I was lifting very light, something like 3kgs. I was scared as I'd started lifting before the docs had allowed me to do so. Dropped calories. The biggest discovery of the time was that once I started making progress, I almost didn’t give a shit about increasing calories - I